ATLASTEK Metal has started its activities as a trade company in the purchasing and sale of Turkish origin commercial products and system solutions for locks, latches, hinges and sealing technology for many industrial applications in 2014 after getting the long time experiance in many industries and feel the manufacturers headaqes and local market deficiencies of necessary equipment.
We offer special group of products for a wide range of industrials from all outdoor/indoor power distribution switchgear panels or data telecommunication racks to HVAC air handling unit and compressor/generator cabins. From agriculture machines to Food and Drug Packing machines, Health and Medical equipment and many other industries.
We want to be the most recognized and successful company for the best prectical and cheap solutions in the related industrial fields for each costumer in every corner of the world.

Our believes push us that costumer satisfaction is the best way for advertising and getting new costumers for every business. Our connection will develop and increase with the costumers enderestand that we know our believe is after their benefites. if they win, we will win and if they lost we will lost a costumer.


©2018 by Atlastek Metal