If you are looking for a product of European quality and Chinese price at the same time, Turkey is the right address.
The state of Turkey industry implemented especially in the last 20 years due to its development policy and foreign capital investment supports a lot of incentives for the European industry to do manufacturing works in Turkey. Thanks to the geographical position of the country, the educated young population and the skilled labor force have enabled them to benefit from many advantages. However, industrialists in Turkey also by making use of new technology and sciences, thus following the development steps of modern advanced countries;from textile and metalworking machinery manufacturing, inşaat ve gidaya and a multi-industry opportunitydevelopment
Today, in many Middle East, North Africa and newly independent Middle Eastern Republics, MADE IN TURKEY title means modern design, good quality and reasonable price of a product.

H. Rifat Pasa Mah. Floating Pool Sk. No.1/1, PERPA Tic. Center 34384, Block B, 5th Floor, No.: 561, Şişli, Istanbul/ Turkey

: +90 536 784 4301